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Concrete Sidewalks

Update Your Home Exterior With New, Concrete Sidewalks

Whether you’re in need of sidewalk crack repair or wish to update the entire look of your home exterior with new sidewalks, having an experienced concrete sidewalk company on your side from start to finish keeps you one step ahead of the game!

When you repair concrete sidewalks, you want to make sure you know what you’re doing; otherwise, you can wind up making matters worse and spending even more money in the long run.

Uneven terrain or sidewalks in disrepair pose a serious safety hazard. You or a guest to your home might trip and fall, which could result in severe injuries.

Concrete Sidewalks Boost Curb Appeal

An old, worn sidewalk can greatly diminish the look and feel of your home exterior. On the other hand, installing new concrete sidewalks can make all the difference by instantly improving exterior aesthetics and adding value to your home.

Before excavation begins, our contractors carefully establish a finish grade for your sidewalk. Our sidewalk contractors are superior craftsmen who will form your sidewalk, and finish your grade to perfection.

Whether your surface area is a straight path or includes numerous bends and curves, we’ll provide a finished product that is stylish and sturdy.

Concrete is the Best Sidewalk Building Material

You can use concrete slabs or a smooth pour to build a sidewalk. It’s a cost-effective, low-labor intensive way to create a divider between your property and the roadway.

There are also numerous finish options for concrete, including stains, colors or aggregates. Perhaps, you’d prefer a polished finish that gives your sidewalk a glossy tone!

Concrete is strong and durable. It holds up well to heat, moisture and foot traffic. It can bear a heavy load without risk of rutting or damaging the surface. You can choose from various options for color, shape, texture and pattern.

We’ll help you design a new walkway that blends with natural surroundings and adds the perfect touch to your home exterior.

Contact Us Today!

Whether your goal is to repair an existing sidewalk or to complement and enhance your entry way and property line with a brand new installation, Cement Tech concrete contractors will complete the project in a cost-effective, timely manner. You’ll love your new concrete sidewalk so much that you may never want to go inside again!

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Contact Info

31-00 47th Avenue Suite 3100
Long Island City, NY 11101
718 877 0764